No denying Anna Piaggi has a fabulous way with clothing. I can't help wondering why she dresses the way she does. How does she feel waltzing around in her colourful garb? Does she want to stand out or do the hat, clown make up, blue hair and cacophony of prints create a suit of armour to hide behind? I know when I'm dressed up, with make up, heels and fancy frock, I hold myself with more composure and confidence compared to when I'm bumming around in tracksuit pants. Does Piaggi want to take that feeling of "this is me at my best" as far as she can or does she find herself sans makeup, blue hair and top hat completely unpresentable to the outside world?
Ponder, ponder...
It's cool to see Piaggi when she was younger, but am I alone in thinking she seems more fabulous and fascinating now than she did 30 years ago?
With her friend Karl Lagerfeld
More information
Hundreds of photos on beauty icon
Lots of old pics
International Herald Tribune feature
Q&A on
Victoria & Albert Museum exhibition, Fashion-ology, curated by Piaggi
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