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March 27, 2008



Your presentation was lively and colorful and really did stand out. I personally enjoyed it a lot, and also laughed because it was refreshing and intriguing and some pictures were indeed funny. Your fashion-passion and enthusiasm were sincere and inspiring.


wow! thanks for using my photos and blog. would've loved to hear your presentation, too.

John (DRAW)

I was one of the architypes that presented last night. Loved what you showed, we architypes need to broaden our horizons. We (I) were laughing WITH the people in your images - they seem to be having fun. thanX for the links.

eyesing sonya

ok, cool. "laughing with" is good :)
if i come across any other cool blogs i'll add them to this post.


sonya i am so proud of your public speaking!

im sure it would have been a great speech - your opinions are always very clever, well informed and fabulous in general.

fashiontoast is also a good one.

eyesing sonya

why thank you lovely ilona. great to see you on saturday
S x

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